
Nevada H by Hudson


こちらが、H by Hudson社です。

H by HudsonのNevadaは古典的なブーツデザインですが、今風な爪先の反りを取り入れてまとまっています。このクラシカルモダン(?)が一目惚れした理由です。

サイズ: euro 45、uk 11、普段のnikeとかのスニーカーは29.5cm履いていますからかなりビッグサイズです。


こちらのショップで昨年のクリスマスに、このブーツを一目惚れしてしまいました。価格は£100.00。関税とか送料を考えると国内で買ったほうが良いかと考えましたが、国内ショップで検索しましたがノーヒット。やはり海外通販しなければいけないらしく、日本向けの送料がいくらになるのか調べました。そしたら、日本配送無しだということが判明しました。 www.next.co.jpでも商品取り扱いなしということですから、いつも通っている郡山nextに電話注文しようと試みました。回答はnext日本では代理店契約でH by Hudson商品を持ち込んで売ることが出来ないらしいんです。じゃあ直接next.co.ukに頼めば送ってくれるかも、と淡い期待を込めつつ、連絡して返してきた回答が以下です。

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your email regarding the Next Directory.

I am sorry to advise that our products are currently only available to order online in the following countries: UK, Republic of Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, Netherlands and Belgium.

But don't worry! We are planning on further international expansion and we hope to add more countries to this list very soon. Please be patient - we will try and deliver to your country as quickly as we can. Remember to check our international website at www.nextdirectory.eu for details of each new country we add. If you can't wait, you can use our store locator www.next.co.uk/storesearch.asp to find stores in Denmark, the Czech Republic, Russia, Japan and the United Arab Emirates, amongst others.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you once again for your interest in Next .

We hope you can shop with us soon!


A*** S*****
Internet Correspondence Department Next Directory

>> You asked us the following question on 17-02-2009 at 03:40:59:
>>Comments: Dear Sirs
>>Do you have a plan to deliver worldwide?We can buy nexts' stuff in Japan, but ladies clothes limited.So I need mens' shoes, clothes and so on.





以下は発送先変更のやりとりです。 ==========================================================

>>Subject: Re: Concerning Order Confirmation - FM-100100**
> >Hi,
> >Sorry for the late reply. Yes this has been changed on our system and
> >your order has now been sent to our warehouse for dispatch.
>> Kind regards and Happy New Year!
>>> fmfootwear.com
>>>>Dear Sirs,
>>>> Concerning Billing and Shipping address, have you corrected UK to Japan?
>>>> If you had finished correcting, send me e-mail, please.
>>>>Daddy Tatsuo wrote
>>>>>> Dear Sirs,
>>>>>> Correct UK to Japan, please!!!!
>>>>>> Daddy Tatsuo wrote


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