計10回の満タン給油時の走行距離÷給油量で算出した燃費をプロットしてみた PDライフから比べると平均燃費で同等か或いは多少いい位かも ただバラツキが大きいのはどうしてなのか…給油時の車体の傾斜によっては空気が逃げないのかどうなのか?
Strongly I had desired to perform a triathlete just like others, just reason for not only being struck by the performance of competition of triathlon on London Olympic video, but also assuming that I should do exercising and should leave my memory for my children. That was why I had participated in Takaharayama competition at summer of 45 for the first time in 2012. And I just trying and struggling to whip for my ugly middle-aged body in the swimming pool, on treadmill and exercise bike. (^^♪
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